четверг, 24 февраля 2011 г.

"Engineer" review: make sure that you will get a first assessment

Hitman movies are dime a dozen, but the "mechanic" must have a value of nickel. Too smart to half of Simon West remake of the 1972 film with the same name highlights cool kicks over the character development and set of models of substance. To mention this approach inevitably will appeal to some viewers, but even with Ben Foster, this works for himself and co-star Jason Statham, "engineer" is too torn between feeling of dramatic integrity and desire to meet audiences bloodlust to fully satisfy the person.

Statham plays Arthur Bishop, an experienced, ice-cold assassin whose trademark is invisibility. When the Bishop is a task to his long-time mentor and only friend, Harry Mckenna (Donald Sutherland), he graduated from the job with Effortless efficiency. Soon after, the son of Harry Steve (Foster) is displayed look for someone to blame and Bishop hides the truth, as a young man in his right flank as his protege.

Since the two are increasingly ambitious projects, Steve seems more interested in testing the boundaries of the brutality of the performance objectives with one and the same cool detachment, Bishop. But as Steve grow approaching opening of the truth of his mentor, the Bishop was forced to decide whether to come clean or care for Steve in the same way he is his father.

To say that Jason Statham plays the character before it would be an understatement, but the movie looks so disinterested as it gives all compelling reasons to make that almost is not his own. From the first frame almost to the last, "engineer officer" shall have the same story, countless other movies for the murderers of his terms with immorality murders: Statham is "best"-killer that can hide in the pool, while its target take in the Middle, kill man in water and then to make a clean escape without someone knowing has ever been there. The actual logistics of pulling off a scenario, it may be interesting, but the film is more interested in shows how its sceptics well-decorated architectural Marvel of the House reflects the clarity of its purpose and naturally, the emptiness of his soul.

When all the Statham frigid detachment, Foster is the unfettered, febrile and as suggested above, he is doing the work that the film only needs and certainly does not deserve. Steve is the most troubled, and appears to punish ourselves at least as much as its purpose, where he took a new job, but under Foster coiled the filament wound tightly lamps physicality, there is simply a villainous cruelty, but real, resonant pain; Notwithstanding his sociopathic behaviour he became a character with whom we sympathize. What is unfortunately, however, it is necessary to film to create enemies, which are more foul and unforgiveable of Statham character; and after two square against pedophile hit man, corrupt televangelist and remorseless, string pulling a company man, Steve more or less is forced to become the next foe in the hierarchy of the movie "boys are worse than Bishop."

It's easy to look at the showdowns in the movie and see the only action set pieces, but in at least one case, the "victim" is just another killer, whose "villainy" took the form of homosexuality; There is the lip service paid to the fact that he "likes boys ' give trysts with people who have reached the age of majority, but anyone who might mistake Foster (30) for younger than 18 need Cataract Surgery, and Steve, who has s?blaznitelnata purpose, rather than in any other way. For anyone thinking this kind of moral Compass creates really interviews troubling dollars for the movie as a whole: it is fair, the son of the murdered person to try to avenge his father? I would say yes, but the movie is less secure and, therefore, abandoned or ignores the deeper implications of the conflict between Steve and Bishop (not to mention the re-awakening during the rest of the story of the Bishop and emotional) to give us an explosive, but otherwise empty venue.

However, it is not particularly difficult to ignore these comments, especially if your own brand of desire-Inositelat comes in the form of cool shootouts, vintage cars and style of life where prostitutes look like supermodels and not so secretly want to do their jobs for free ... just because you're such a Badass. In fact, the best word used to describe the film was "stupid" because this is exactly what it is – gun actress and instant gratification, not ambitions, serious enough to seek a closer inspection of the values or ideas.

But the annoying thing is that the "mechanic" really only gets really interesting when things begin to go wrong for his characters, so make a choice of things to work right in the end undermines even the cost of potential entertainment. As such, "engineer" is passable January ticket at best, but if the filmmakers were really trying to make the original light modern scanning, best, have made is to thrill ride, running on empty tanks.

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