понедельник, 28 февраля 2011 г.

Who's who "of the X-Men: first class Cast

Last night, the first official trailer for the fifth X-Men film "X-Men: first class" was published online, and we know what you're thinking: who's who in the world are all these people? This prequel set in the 1960s, a lot of things are different. Does Wolverine! Not Storm! Professor x is my hair?

Well, everything you need to know (from familiar faces, new mutant!) the main cast and more after the jump, we got you!

(Click to find out who's who "of the X-Men: first class)

From left to right: Magneto, Moira McTaggert, Emma Frost, Azazel, Beast, Havok, Angel, Mystique, Professor x

Magneto(Michael fassbender)
Erik Lensherr Magnus is a Holocaust survivor and self styled "the Master of magnetism." When the X-Men movies fans know him, to compel the world sovereignty over the Supervillain, he was once simply in order to protect his man run. First class starts with Magneto and Charles Xavier, when both were much younger. They work together to determine a way to enable them to protect the mutant and the peaceful humanity. But if Xavier considers peaceful assimilation, Magneto, mutant, in its sole discretion, deems that are human and should be rewarded accordingly.

Moira MacTaggert(Rose byrne)
Shoot lasers out of your eyes or to read the minds of the ability to have a large, but it is sometimes the only truly intelligent. This is true, Moira MacTaggert, very talented geneticist and Charles Xavier friend. He blazed trails in the area, offering a mutant genetics of valuable information on Xavier and the entire world. He also pushed to his school for the Gifted, by Xavier young and helped even the design of Cerebro, Xavier's mutant monitoring device. Emma Frost ( January Jones)
Emma Frost was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and is the old money exists in the movies, cruel, arrogant sneering rich girl who you thought you just type. He is richer than you, he or she thinks she is smarter than you and he uses his telepathic powers to insure that all he says is true. He is a provocative, highly effective, able to disconnect some of the laws of his way to get and we mention arrogant? Azazel ( Jason Flemyng)
Azazel is a story that almost every X-Men fan the asterisk does not happen it pretends that the sheer number. Keep a long story, which is short, Azazel is a nightmare, the X-Men 2, super cool blue teleporter father and is real, the Biblical Devil. You can see, the demons had just ancient mutant and the Angels were the mutant. Mutant mutant Angel and the devil and the devil had fought for the mutant banished to another dimension. You may be able to call it "hell." Regardless of you we got our Azazel's story is completely different in the movie, the land Crossed fingers. Beast (Nicholas hoult)
Imagine that, incredibly intelligent. You can do complex mathematics in your head, look at the chemical formula and determine exactly what it does and cobble together an incredible machine to serve the intended purpose, you will need. On top of that, you have very dry, witty sense of humor. Imagine now if all this was, and the force was to be the blue mutant, furry, and non-human primate, such as agile, so everyone assumes that you have a big, dumb bruiser. Hank McCoy, better known as the Beast's plight is, but he is not a stranger to the conclusion of the Lemonade out of lemons. He is one of the founding members shall subscribe their shares of X-Men, as well as a highly respected scientist and brawler. (Lucas Till) Havok
Alex "havok" Summers is Scott "Cyclops" Summers, brother. His older siblings, he left a huge shoes to fill, and Havok has never fully successful, at least in my mind to measure. Despite having a inferiority complex Havok is more than likely to discipline yourself. He is the author of the fire of the Sun power energy blasts at will and to try to find his brother, he is a member of the shadow, as well as a powerful leader and more outgoing than Scott. Angel (tennis)
Click the character was X-Men Angel (ANGEL super rich), founding member, even if this Angel is a little different. Angel Salvadore and feathered wings, on the other hand, would expect a character named "Angel" is a sunny disposition, insect wings, and is a little attitude. He does not ask for is a mutant, and he did not ask the father, who hates her. He did not fit very Xavier's school, but he eventually became her way of thinking. He is still pretty to spend time with her boyfriend than to fight the evil mutant, though. Mystique ( Jennifer Lawrence)
Mystique, aka Raven Darkholme has been alive for decades. His real age is unknown, but he has at least 100 years old. During the last century, he has made a living playing both sides against each other. Mystique lives and breathes on unfair and his powers of shape shifting to allow his organization suodattuvat and throw away the doubts. The phrases "good guy" or "bad guy" do not use a real Mystique; He is a member of his or her own side, which will lead to good deeds and terrible ones. Charles Xavier (James mcavoy)
Before he had a secret first and foremost a paramilitary force to strike and the mutant, Xavier's school for Gifted youngsters, Charles Xavier SD was just a young man and the dream of a telepathic powers inter-species in harmony. He was driven to begin recruiting others to the cause of her mutant, when he realized that it was a mutant and human beings, which does not have an interest in such harmony. Read our exclusive interview with the "X-Men: first class bad guy Kevin Bacon

Learn how to use the "X-Men: first class trailer

What are you most excited to see a mutant of the big screen?

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